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Fe’s Mighty Ugly Story

{As folks start sending us their Mighty Ugly stories [you can too!], I’ll be posting some here on the blog for you to enjoy and discuss. *hint*}

Fe sent us her story a few days ago:

Truth be told, I’ve never been really good about making things “pretty”.  I think it’s probably as tough for me to make something purposefully pretty as to make something purposefully ugly. However, pretty is the norm, so that’s what I always strive for… but to make something purposefully ugly, I was intrigued.  It was something that I’ve never done before. It also sounded like fun. I started thinking about what I thought was ugly, and what kinds of things I can put together to make it happen. I think that was definitely part of the fun. I really enjoyed thinking about putting different media together for my creation. The ideas just came rushing in.

I was finally able to actually do the challenge last night, and it was great. I picked up things in my craft area that I felt I didn’t need and went to work. Suddenly, I had Super Lula (that yellow piece of fleece is supposed to be a cape – and I don’t know what her super power is). I took a picture and was ready to share it.

Oddly, I think that was the hard part. I knew as soon as I had it out there, it was going to be there for all the world to see, and people might criticize. It took a bit of convincing myself that it’s supposed to be ugly (though I think she’s kinda cute too), and that it was okay for people to say so. Once I got past that, I uploaded the picture for the world to see. Phew!

I’m glad I did this challenge because, first and foremost, it was fun. But also, it made me think outside of what is normal, and it encouraged me to rise above potential criticism and accept my ugly creation.

It’s not everyday that you intentionally make something ugly, but maybe once in a while it’s a good thing. Thanks for the experience.

Presenting: Super Lula (poor thing, she’s only got one bent-fork hand):

Lula - Mighty Ugly

Ugly Submission

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