Mighty-Ugly-cover-shadowFilled with essays, exercises, anecdotes, links, quotes and a bibliography to help you and everyone you know combat the forces that keep you from being creative and making stuff, Make It Mighty Ugly is, as it says on the cover, a handbook for vanquishing creative demons. This is not a book of so-called positive thinking. It’s a book of oh man, life is really hard sometimes, and I’m not gonna pretend it’s easy, but I’m gonna freaking OWN IT. And I’m going to make stuff even if I think I can’t or I think my creations will suck or I think I’m not creative in the first place. Because making things is fun, and who cares if it’s ugly?

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  • "Werker provides a thoughtful look at the internal voices that keep people from expressing their creativity in a book that will work well beyond the crafting world; anyone needing to identify their own blocks will find this inspiring title useful in their own lives." [link]

    Library Journal
  • "Make It Mighty Ugly has us aim directly for failure so we can get it over with. Upbeat without being saccharine, Kim invites us to identify our personal monsters and listen to what they have to say in a series of exercises designed to loosen up our creative muscles. The paperback is a pleasure to hold, small enough to fit neatly into a handbag, with a lovely thick, nubbly paper cover. It feels really good to write in, too." [link]  


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